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Posted January 16, 2013
Milestones Media
A following story was recently posted by the Daily Dish's AFP:
ROME - "Since his owner died two months ago, Tommy the dog has not missed a single mass in the small church in southern Italy where his mistress's funeral was held, Italian media said Wednesday."
When I read this story and saw the photo, I couldn't help but think that these days dogs are more loyal than most people. Especially in an era when money, fame, and fortune is more important than being true to friends and country. Some people work for both the bad guys and the so-called good guys.
Some people sell guns and weapons of mass destruction to the enemy who turn around and point them back at us.
And as for government shenanigans, we have a few whistle blowers, however, most are too afraid to speak out and instead take a pay-off to help with early retirement.
Have you ever owned a pet who was this loyal? Does this photograph and story give you any ideas for a writing project? Sound like a hook for a dystopian novel?
Comments anyone?
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